Welcome to ASEF’s Holiday Karaoke Competition!
Since the ASE 2020 Virtual Experience karaoke contest was such a huge hit, we decided to get in on the fun.
And the video with the most votes is….
Melissa Wasserman, RDCS, RCCS, FASE and her adorable kids!
Please put your hands together for all of our talented contestants! Thank you for sharing your voices with the ASE Foundation.
Melissa Wasserman, RDCS, RCCS, FASE and her kids singing Adam Sandler’s “The Hanukkah Song”.
Carla Hassett, sister of ASE Foundation Board Chair, Dr. Vera Rigolin, singing her song titled “Won’t Be Home For Christmas”.
Daria Koon, daughter of Merri Bremer, EdD, RN, ACS, RDCS, FASE, singing “Journey to the Past” from the movie Anastasia.
Jennifer Betz, BS, RDCS, FASE singing Tim McGraw’s “Humble and Kind”.